Level 2- Be Fit & Vibe
Six 16 oz. juices selected to promote energy and injury repair. Recommended for athletes or people who require a high level of energy throughout their day. Level 3- Deep Detox

cleanse info and faq
Why do I need to cleanse?
Every day we are exposed to toxins, from the air we breathe to the food we eat. Cleansing allows our body an opportunity to rid ourselves of these built up toxins so that our body can become balanced and function at its optimal potential. Fueling your body with REAL plant-based ingredients will flood it with essential minerals, vitamins, and living enzymes to detox and energize. Cleansing also gives our digestive system a rest from our everyday “normal” eating so that we may have the ability to pinpoint any food sensitivities we may be experiencing. Our cleanses are designed to be free of some of the most popular known allergens: Dairy, Soy, Peanuts, Corn, & Gluten. Coming off of the cleanse we recommend introducing each of these possible allergens one at the time back into your diet, if you wish to do so, to see if you experience any of the following: bloating, headache, fatigue, stomach cramps, or rashes. Most people consume the Standard American Diet “S.A.D.” (literally) which causes inflammation in our bodies and can wreak havoc on us. Putting alkalizing, plant-based foods into your body will help combat inflammation and balance your pH.
What are signs I need to cleanse?
- Digestive Issues
Frequent Headaches
Aches & Pains
Difficulty Losing Weight
Skin Problems
Brain Fog
Sugar Cravings
Mood Swings
Lack of Energy
Weakened Immune System
How long should I cleanse?
We recommend at least 3 days of cleansing so that you may start to experience the benefits. Obviously, the longer you cleanse, the more results you will see. Have you seen the documentary, “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead”? He cleansed for 60 days and his energy and overall health skyrocketed.
How often should I cleanse?
A good rule of thumb: “As the seasons change.” OR If you feel you are in need of a reboot to your health journey. Do you feel you have fallen off track? Are you craving processed sugars and junk food? If so, time to get your taste buds back on the healthy train. Cleansing helps your body crave plant-based, nutrient-dense foods. You will feel so good coming off the cleanse, you will not want to consume ‘fake, junk’ food.
Can I drink coffee or hot tea during my cleanse? Are you trying to kick a bad caffeine habit? If so, you need to refrain from drinking coffee on your cleanse. Please be aware that you may experience caffeine withdrawal if you are a caffeine-aholic. Symptoms may include: headache, fatigue, constipation, and/or mood swings. If you are not trying to kick the coffee, then simply have 1 cup each morning with ZERO added dairy or processed sugar. Try unsweetened almond or coconut milk with a dash of cinnamon and local + raw honey, if you need to add something to your morning cup’o’joe.
Incorporating hot tea into your cleanse is a great idea. Any tea with dandelion root may help to increase the detoxification process. Also, turmeric and ginger tea may help fight inflammation. Healthy add-in options to your tea to promote weight management and help balance pH: fresh lemon juice, dash of cayenne pepper, dash of cinnamon, local + raw honey, ACV (Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar), fresh ginger root, and/or turmeric powder with a dash of black pepper.
Where do I get my protein from?
Awesome news > Plants have protein! There is a bit of a protein myth in America. We thrive on plant-based protein. You will find the perfect balance of protein + essential nutrients in your cleanse.
Diabetics and Cleansing
Yes! Diabetics may benefit from a cleanse. Reducing fruit intake would be advised when cleansing. We can custom a cleanse to your needs by switching to a more vegetable-packed cleanse that would focus on less natural sugar intake and by adding juices with wheatgrass to your cleanse can help manage blood sugar.
Can I work out during my cleanse?
Yes, but listen to your body. An excellent exercise to incorporate during a cleanse is yoga. Yoga can help aid in the detoxification process and increase circulation. Cleansing is also a mental struggle for some and yoga can help you be more mindful, grateful to your body, and help you find peace in where you are in your healthy journey. Your energy levels will vary throughout your cleanse journey and your body will let you know if you are down for a yoga session, need a walk, or a nap! If you participate in high-intensity training and need extra calories, we do provide the option to custom your cleanse by adding superfoods as needed to meet your goals.
Do I need to prepare to be spending a lot of time in the bathroom?
Everyone’s body responds differently to cleansing. You will be putting in a lot of fluids so be prepared to ‘tinkle’ a lot.
Can I cleanse if I have cancer?
Yes, please speak with one of our cleanse specialists, who can inform you of our Beet Cancer Custom Cleanse option and help you decide what will be best for you during your cancer journey. You will need to consult with your doctor prior to cleanse time.
How should I break my cleanse?
Cleansing is designed to be a step in the right direction in your health journey. When coming off the cleanse, we recommend eating as much from the earth as possible, and as less processed foods as possible. A good rule of thumb is to try to eat as close to plant-based as possible, choosing clean, nutrient-dense options, as local as possible. For more post-cleanse tips, please ask for our Cleanse Information Packet via email or at FreshVibes.
Cleanse Policy & Returns
Cleanse Policy
We ask that you give us a 24-hour notice of when you’d like to start your cleanse journey. If you call or come by to order a cleanse same day we charge a $5 convenience fee. FreshVibes is not a medical facility and we cannot give you medical advice, diagnosis, or prescribe treatment of your ailments. If you have any pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications, it is recommended that you seek medical advice before initiating any cleanse program with us.
Cleanse Returns
All cleanses are non-refundable and must be done in consecutive days. This is so you can see the benefits of cleansing.
In Store Pick-Up Only
*You will have the option to pick up each day of your cleanse (fresh is best) or three days at a time. All of the juices have a shelf-life of 72 hours from the time they are juiced. If you are unable to pick up your juices, please call and let us know so we can make other arrangements. Please be mindful of our operating hours when you are picking up.